A little about me…

My name is Katie Hemness. I’m 37 years old. I have a husband, three kids, and a cat that often acts like a dog and a dog that wants to be best friends with the cat. Beyond that, who I am feels like it can change from day to day sometimes even taking me by surprise. I also can get lost in the different roles in my life, having to fight my way back to common ground. It’s easy to drown in “mom” and lose sight of “lover”. Or have my sights so set on “rule enforcer” that I ignore “compassion and joy teacher”. Or get lost in “hostess” and forget about the land of “friend”. But I try and am learning and have grace.

I love a good story, in any form. I love food and parties and a good glass of wine. Or even a cocktail. I love full weekends that follow full weeks, chubby babies, talkative toddlers, and fires on cold winter nights. As well as changing my mind and getting way in over my head with a project. I love being a mom. Love it. And a wife. I don’t like bullies or condescension or celery or oak mites.

I seek to walk in this life with the joy of the Lord being my strength. I want to laugh and love and eat good food and have adventures. I want to keep falling in love with my husband and laughing through our days. I want to see my children grow into men of purpose that love Jesus and are kind. I want to provide comfort and encouragement and amusement by sharing my experiences of this life. I don’t claim to be an expert on anything but sometimes just knowing that you’re not alone on your road can make a bad minute better, maybe even a whole day.

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