My Team

My Team

I’ve never been one for what you would call team spirit.  I’m not ‘anti’ it; not by any means.  I’ve just never really “caught the fever”.  Except for one brief stint in my life. 

From 9 years old to 15 I lived in Utah.  While we were there, the Utah Jazz came into their prime.  And we just happened to live in the same city that they played in.  I remember going to games as a family.  I remember my parents getting invited to go to games with really great seats by friends.  I remember playing basketball and one of the perks was every little team got tickets to watch the Jazz play. 

We were fans.  I was a fan.  I knew names, I knew rivals, I enjoyed the fandom. 

And then we moved.  I tried to stay a fan but honestly didn’t last that long.  And then we moved again. 

That was a common theme for my childhood. 

I don’t say that with sadness or regret.  Just fact. 

I moved when I was 8.  Then again when I was 9.  Then when I was 15.  Then again when I was 16.  Then again when I was 18.  Then again when I was 22.  Again when I was 23.  And again when I was 23.  Then I was 24.  And then I was 26.  And lastly, I was 35. 

And this isn’t including every school change or house move within that location.

There will be a later post about all these moves and their effect and the stuff I’ve learned, yada yada yada.  Probably more than one.  But there was one side effect that I didn’t realize existed till a couple of days ago. 

I’ve never really felt school spirit or team pride.  (And I was even a cheerleader for one year.  And a teacher for six.  Yikes.)

I enjoyed games and always participated in Spirit Week (because, hello, dressing up) and even went to a few dances. 

But I never invested.  Again, I wasn’t anti-anything.  I saw other people that had it.  I just never really got it or caught it. 

And then when I was out of school, that switched to professional sports.

Which got interesting because I married a FAN. 

He had serious school spirit for his hometown school and then the college we went to.  And then I found out how much he loved the NFL. 

…I just didn’t get it.  I wasn’t anti-sports.  I loved sports.  I loved playing them when I was younger and still enjoy doing it for fun now.  I just never “loved” a team. 

I’m pretty sure that’s partly because of all the moving.  As I got older and we kept moving I had to fight cynicism.  Why get involved in ANYTHING?  That included friends and activities I loved.  I was just going to leave eventually. 

And that bled over into the “spirit” arena. 

 I mean, I didn’t even get a class ring or letterman because I didn’t really feel a ton of attachment to the High School I graduated from.  It was my third after all. 

I realized when I graduated college that that was the longest I had been at one school EVER.  The most sentimental I got was begging my dad to buy a brick to mark that I was THERE.  And that was also my little testament that I enjoyed it, and appreciated it. 

But now…

Now I’m living in Kansas City.

And I love it.  I love the town.  I love the different parts of the town.  I love the suburbs.  I love the museums.  I love the Street Car.  I love the BBQ. (I love all the other types of food here too. J)  I love Union Station.  And I love how much the people here love their town. 

And for the first time, I’m speaking in ‘we’ language. 

We’ve got a baseball team.  Which is a blast to take the kids to. 

We’ve got a soccer team.  Which is so good, and getting so much attention, we might get to host the World Cup. 

We’ve got a minor league hockey team.  And my kids are learning to like a sport I still haven’t seen live. 

And we’ve got a football team. 

I don’t think I ever got excited about watching a football game.    

Maybe it was the fact that I’m finally living in a town with a team. 

Maybe it’s the fact that they’re good, really good, so it’s fun. 

Or maybe it’s the fact that the whole city loves this team. 

Whatever it is, for the first time in my life I’m a fan.  A real fan. 

I’m buying team merchandise.  I’m wearing team earrings, of which I have more than one pair.  I’m researching football snacks and themed food for watch parties.  I’m learning players’ names and nicknames.  I’m participating in Red Fridays.  And I’m watching the games.  Me!  Yes, I’m still chatting but I’m actively watching the games. 

And I’m loving it. 

And I’m loving being a part of it. 

I’m part of a ‘we’ now and I love it! 

I have team spirit.  Me.

 I have team spirit.  Yes, I do.  I have team spirit.  How ‘bout you?  

Yesterday I was driving, stopped at a light, and a woman in the car next to me honked to get my attention.  She then pointed at my earrings, said how much she liked them, and smiled BIG.   

And then after that, the school I was subbing at had a school wide picture with all the kids and tweeted it to the team to show their support. 

Because in case you didn’t know, we’re playing in the Super Bowl.  The SUPER BOWL.

The whole city is showing their support.  Decorations, clothes, food specials, even hairstyles.  And it is so much fun!  To be a part of something this big.  Of being able to share something this fun with so many total strangers.  It’s a blast. 

I don’t regret the years of moving.  I don’t regret not having team spirit till now.  (What would be the point?)  I’m just so grateful that I finally caught the bug and finally understand it. 

So, this Sunday, I’ll be cheering for MY team.  I’ll make football food, wear appropriate clothing, fret over which team earrings have the most luck, and maybe even paint my kids’ faces. 

And I’ll love every second of it.  Because I am a FAN.  Of MY team.  In MY city. 


My Well

My Well

Simple, right?

Simple, right?