Little Things...

Little Things...

Great things are made of little things.

This was the fortune my son got in a cookie this morning.  

“Mom, can I have this leftover fortune cookie before breakfast?”


This is going to be today.  I’m going to have a running story on Instagram throughout the day but here’s what I’ve got so far:

1.       Waking up to a thunderstorm and getting to watch my husband on the morning news.

2. Finding out that the solitary pink zinnia sprouting in a pot on my front patio was one of my grandmother’s favorite flowers. As well as orchids (which I knew) and wisteria (which I didn’t).

3.       Saying goodbye to my parents and knowing how much they love us.

4.       Watching the pink zinnia dance in the storm.

5.       Lighting one of the new candles I bought.

6.       Making twin B a breakfast sandwich.

7.       Making myself a breakfast burrito. 

8.       My dog lying under my feet. From love or fear of the storm, either way, it’s very sweet.

9.       My breakfast burrito inevitably falling apart and being a much messier breakfast.

10.      Noticing the reflection of my new candle and kitchen in the screen door.  Immediately consider all the metaphors of a bright, cheerful flame against the backdrop of dark storm.  Say a prayer of thanks.

11.   Begin typing this while listening to Bless the Lord and Come Alive Dry Bones.

Start your list. You should. And not mentally. A physical list. You really should! And notice just how much you actually notice when you’re looking for it. All the little things that are pockets of joy in a day.

My Table

My Table

